In the sixth century BC, a man named Mnesarchus stumbled upon a peculiar sight while traveling home from work. An abandoned infant, surviving solely on the dew from a nearby tree, was staring directly at the sun. Intrigued by this mystical encounter, Mnesarchus named the baby Astraios, which translates to “star child” in Greek. Little did he know that this chance encounter would lead to a remarkable story that would captivate the ancient world.
According to the Greek myth recorded by Antonius Diogenes, Mnesarchus gave the child to his own son, Pythagoras, to be his servant and apprentice. Pythagoras, renowned as one of history’s greatest mathematicians, is believed by some ancient astronaut theorists to have received advanced knowledge from Astraios. These theorists speculate that Astraios may have been an extraterrestrial being sent to Earth with the purpose of instructing Pythagoras.
The notion that Astraios was an otherworldly being gains further support when considering the ancient Greek belief in powerful beings descending from the sky. Could Astraios have been the offspring of gods, part human and part divine? Many ancient cultures, including the Greeks and Egyptians, have stories of children born from the union of humans and gods. These children, known as star children, are often described as possessing superior intelligence and unexplainable abilities.
The story of Astraios offers a glimpse into the possibility of star children existing throughout history. But what is the source of their exceptional traits? According to scientist Bret Oldham, humans possess dormant etheric strands of DNA in addition to the two-strand double helix DNA. This etheric DNA, believed to have been designed by alien creators, lies dormant until certain individuals are chosen to awaken it.
The awakening of these dormant strands of DNA in star children is thought to be a means to help mankind advance. Their superior intelligence and unexplainable abilities may be a result of this unique genetic makeup. These individuals, throughout recorded history, have played significant roles in pushing humanity forward.
The concept of star children challenges conventional explanations of human evolution and intelligence. It raises questions about the origins of our species and the influence of extraterrestrial beings on our development. Ancient astronaut theorists argue that our ancient ancestors may have had contact with advanced civilizations from other planets, imparting knowledge and genetic enhancements.
As we delve deeper into the mysteries of our past, the story of Astraios, the star child, becomes an intriguing piece of the puzzle. Whether he was truly an extraterrestrial being or merely a gifted individual, his presence in the life of Pythagoras and the impact he had on history cannot be denied. The ancient astronaut theory opens up new avenues of exploration, inviting us to question our understanding of the universe and our place within it.
In conclusion, the tale of the star child Astraios offers a glimpse into the possibility of ancient astronauts influencing human history. Whether this mysterious child was sent from the heavens or simply an extraordinary human, his existence challenges our understanding of human potential. As we continue to uncover the secrets of our past, the concept of star children remains a fascinating topic that pushes the boundaries of our imagination and invites us to explore the unknown.