Geologist Found Mysterious Metal Fragments Near Roswell UFO Crash Site

4 mins read

The Roswell incident remains one of the most well-known UFO events in history, captivating the minds of conspiracy theorists and skeptics alike. However, there is more to this story than what meets the eye. In a groundbreaking investigation, Linda Moulton Howe, an investigative journalist, and ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Sukulos join forces to uncover the truth behind the metal fragments found near the crash site in Roswell, New Mexico.

Accompanied by local geologist and professor of earth science, Frank Kimbler, Linda and Giorgio embark on a journey to the desert just outside Roswell, where eyewitnesses claim one of the three UFOs seen in the sky crashed and skipped across the land before coming to rest. Frank, who has spent nearly a decade searching for artifacts in the area, presents Linda and Giorgio with a collection of metal fragments that he believes to be highly unique.

As they examine the twisted and mangled metal fragments, Linda and Giorgio are astounded by their pristine condition. The fragments possess layers and banding similar to those found in photomicrographs, leading Frank to believe that these materials were made by extraterrestrial intelligence from an unknown origin.

Eager to uncover more evidence, Linda, Giorgio, and Frank head to the “gouge,” an area where the alleged crash occurred. This location has been marked by an archaeological dig conducted by the University of New Mexico, revealing a v-shaped gouge that suggests something crashed and skated across the ground.

However, access to potential evidence has been restricted by the Bureau of Land Management, leaving countless soil samples untouched. Linda and Giorgio stress the importance of further investigation and analysis of these samples to shed light on the Roswell incident.

Undeterred by the restrictions, Linda and Giorgio continue their search for metal fragments in the desert. Professor Kimbler guides them to specific hotspots, where artifacts have been discovered in the past. After hours of sweeping the area with metal detectors, they finally get a hit – a piece of twisted and mangled wire.

Examining the wire, Linda and Giorgio speculate that it could be debris from the crash that was overlooked by the military. Intrigued by the possibility, they emphasize the importance of analyzing and testing this wire to determine its origin.

The investigation takes an unexpected turn as Linda and Giorgio discuss reports of UFO crashes and metal debris found all over the world. In the Ural Mountains of Russia, geologists searching for gold deposits stumbled upon tiny metal coils and springs at depths of over 100 feet. These nanoparticles, made of tungsten and molybdenum, closely resemble the fragments found in Roswell.

Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that these discoveries imply the existence of crash sites all over the world, potentially spanning hundreds of thousands of years. From the remote hills of China to the forests of Suffolk County, England, where the infamous Rendlesham Forest incident took place, evidence of crashed extraterrestrial craft may be waiting to be uncovered.

The investigation concludes with a thought-provoking question – could these crash sites be evidence of probes sent by extraterrestrial civilizations from other star systems?

As humans continue to explore space, there is a possibility that one day, we may create our own Roswell. Until then, Linda Moulton Howe, Giorgio Sukulos, and Frank Kimbler remain determined to uncover the truth behind the metal fragments and unravel the mysteries of Roswell and beyond.